You Gotta Try
Swing Flag
1-4 over from right to left
5-6 bring over to right
7 right up 45
8 first count of drop spin
9 left up 45
10 left down 45
11-15 circle around legs
16 grab with both hands and end up on right
1-2 over to left
3-4 same
(end ripple)
5-7 walk in circle going right
8 bring in front at down 45
1-2 bottom stir
3-4 top stir
5-6 bottom stir
7-8 bring to right
1 toss up with left
2 catch down with right
3-4 bring over to left
5-6 open up
1-2 over from right to left
3-4 open up
5-8 turn
(end ripple)
1 right up 45
ripple down
Big Flag
1-2 little flip end at monkey angle
3-4 bottom (counterclockwise) stir
5-6 flag goes over arms twisted
7-8 bottom (clockwise) stir
9-12 flip in front of face twice (arm now twisted)
13-16 around your back
1 flat
2 cocked
3 flat
4 straight up
5 bring down and grab
6 bottom stir
7 toss
8 catch
9 rock back
10-12 toaster
13-16 flip over
1 down
2 flat
3 up at right 45 (arm is prettty)
4 behind you at right down 45
5-6 flag behind you then flag in front
1-2 turn as you put the flag on your left shoulder left hand in front
3-4 continue turning
5-8 figure 8 in front of face
9-11 down on left (rowboat)
12 up
13-15 right rowboat with both hands
16 straight up
1-3 right rowboat with both hands and at down 45 in front
4 push out and step back with left foot
(end ripple)
1-2 walk forward
3 grab pole
4 bring to right at flat and even with stomach
5-6 open up and step right
7-8 bring back to 4 position and step right
1-2 parallel circle to right
3 face front
4 turn to left
5-6 parallel circle to left
7-8 bring to front
9-10 right shoulder
11-16 drop spins
17-20 double fast end with right arm over pole
21-22 open up with arm copying flag
23-24 bring in
And bring flag to right shoulder
1-4 turn and move flag
1 down
2 up
3 down
4 right shoulder
5-8 left whip and end on left shoulder
9-12 turn
13 out and over
14 monkey angle
15-16 angle toss
17-18 turn right
(end ripple)
23-24 push in front of face and over
25-26 step right and put right arm out at up 45
27 grab with both hands and bring back on left shoulder
28 let go with right hand
29 turn left and let flag drop down to align with spine
30 facing right let hobo angle drop to flat on shoulder
31-32 let flag drop into right hand
1-2 little flip with right hand
3-4 bring over and under right armpit
5-6 open up
7-8 whip
9 over
10 drop down
11-12 big drop spin thing
13 down left 45
14-16 over to right give to left hand
17 behind back to left
18 cock up and grab palm out
19-20 bring around bottom and up
21-22 top stir
23-24 flip
29-30 turn and bring over to left at a 45 and at down 45 in front of body
31 hold
(end ripple)
32 turn left and pop up at right shoulder
1 slam
(end ripple)
7-12 over to left and open up turn right
hold through 15
(end ripple)
1 up flag at right 45
2 up arm at right 45
3 hold
4 both flag and arm come down and left knee pops out